Here is how We can make the Transcript Collection Process easier for Nigerian Graduates.
Years have gone by, and the issues of delayed school transcript-collection process is becoming more and more frustrating for Nigerian graduates in Nigeria. Asides missing out on opportunities like scholarships, postgraduate studies or even career ambitions. It is sad that some of these local universities aren’t working towards improving this process.
Here in Nigeria, some students do pay for this process, and then wait a long duration, some might not even get feedback at all. Apart from that, the whole school transcript request complications actually could affect their deadline. This whole collection process encourages corruption. For many schools, transcript request is a money-generating deal for them. Some graduates pay higher than the official fee, and still get delayed. Sometimes you are made to roam in the school premises, and still have your transcript delayed.
Many Nigerian youths are already dwarfed by this system. In making life difficult for our graduates, we are in turn stunting the growth of the country. This is 2021 and graduates still go through the stress to get their transcripts from local universities.
Again, the country is going through a phase of insecurities and insurgency. The roads aren’t safe. Every moment there are cases of kidnapping, murder and robbery. Considering this, it’s quite unsafe for graduates to be travelling long distance for just official result statement, that can be sent online.
Moving Forward, How Can We Bring An End To This Cumbersome Collection Process?
First, all procedures should be digitalized. On regular occasion student’s physical files go missing, because of the mismanagement, and carelessness due to the overflowing hip of files. Sometimes graduates’ files get missing, which is left for them to deal with the aftermath. Digitalizing this procedure alone reduces the workload on the administrative staff. Also, we can have a digital database of all students, past and present. When, in future, you need to pull up a student’s academic record, it will be made possible at the snap of a finger. It is somewhat tiring for a staff to look through piles of dusty files for a student’s record every time. This is unfair to both the student and the admin staff.
Secondly, there should be provision for online application. If Nigerian Universities make provision for students to order their transcripts online, it will reduce the rate of corrupt staff asking for money from already frustrated graduates. In other words, if graduates can apply for their transcripts without having to be physically present in schools, there will be no event for these staff to ask them to pay a extra fees. It will also make it easier for Nigerians in diaspora to apply for their transcripts without having to bother anyone to go to their Alma Mata on their behalf.
For all time, if these suggestions above are followed, it will lead to a reduction in human labor required to process a transcript and so cut cost for universities.
Seamfix developed iTranscript to simplify these delay processes. iTranscript is limited to some schools for now. If your school is eligible, all you need to do is register on the platform. You will find the required fee for the request, you pay. Then, you await feedback which would fall within 7 days.
iTranscript is an online platform that allows graduates request, track and monitor the delivery of their school transcript in a secure and simple way. The whole process is digital, you don’t have to visit the school to carry out this operation.
This platform has helped thousands of students and some institutions e.g. University of Nigeria Nsukka in the delivery response for student’s transcript.